Red Design Now

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Red Design Now

The basic premise of this blog is the idea that green and sustainable design are just not enough to get the job done. We, as typical consumers (myself included), spend hours picking the perfect bamboo floors, sort out our recyclables and purchase green cleaners, we pat ourselves on the back and say "job done." well, the premise of this blog is centered around the idea that we have not even started to scratch the surface of the what needs to be done, or better/worse yet, what will be required of us in the near future.

while i am firmly entrenched in the green world, this blog is looking at the next level of green - RED.

Red was chosen with the idea of a red alert, red stop signs, danger signs, warning signs - basically we've got to get a lot more serious about energy and environment a lot more quickly. One of the basic premises of red design is $10/gallon gas. What will buildings, communities, cars, products look like when we hit that number?
